Udah liat yang part 1 kan? sekarang lanjut ke part 2. Jika sebelumnya saya menampilkan rumah artis Hollywood yang kebanyakan berkarir di bidang industri musik, maka sekarang adalah artis Hollywood yang berkarir di industri perfilman, dan kebanyakan dari mereka adalah artis senior. Di part 2 ini saya paling suka rumah Julia Roberts. Rumah-rumahnya gak kalah mewahnya lho :)., enjoy :D
1) Eddie Murphy's WOW house in California
2) Cameron Diaz's house
3) Jennisfer Aniston's house in L.A
4) Arnold Schwarzenegger house
5) George Clooney's lakeside house
6) Harrison Ford house in brentwood
7) Halle Berry's Malibu beachside house
8) Ben Stiller's house in L.A
9) Bruce Willis 8400 square feet house in Idaho
10) Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt's moroccan style house
11) Adam Sandler's house in Bel Air California
12) Jim Carrey's house in Brentwood
13) John Travolta's house with private jet park
14) Johnny Depp's fairytale mansion in West Hollywood
15) Julia Roberts house in Malibu beach, California
16) Kate Winslet's old house
17) Leonardo Dicaprio's house (sorry for quality)
18) Matt Damon's house in Miami beach
19) Mel Gibson's house in Greenwich
20) Morgan Freeman's House in Hollywood Hills
21) Nicolas Cage's Old style house in Bel Air, L.A
22) Nicole Kidman and Keith Urban House in Sydney
23) Oprah Winfrey's US$ 60 million house
24) Richard Gere's Bel Air house in L.A
25) Robin William's house in San Francisco
26) Sandra Bullock House in New Orleans
27) Sylvester Stallone house
28) Tom Cruise's US$ 35 million house in beverly hills29) Tom Hanks House
30) Will Smith's Malibu beach house
Ampuuuunnnnn... KEREN semuanya :D
BalasHapusrumah masa depan haha :)))))))))))
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